Just installed linux and can't play YOUTUBE or other flash based programs...... No more scratching heads.
Go to adobe website to download the flashplayer: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/
Download the appropriate file based on your OS. (32-bit or 64-bit linux).
I would recommend you to download .tar.gz file of the flashplayer.
Once the file is downloaded, you simply need to extract it. Extract is within the folder.
#mkdir myFlashdir
#cd myFlashdir
copy flashplayer.tar.gz in this folder
#tar xvzf flashplayer.tar.gz
Now you will see libflashplyer.so plugin-file for mozilla. You simply need to copy this file to
/usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins ==> If your linux is 64-bit
/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins ==> If your linux is 32-bit
#cp libflasplayer.so /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins
You are done. Now have fun with you Youtube or other flash programs.
You can check the plugins installed by typing following in the URL field.